Children’s Vision and Colour Blindness
How can you tell if your child sees colours the same way you do? With approximately 350 million people worldwide affected by colour blindness, it’s more common than many parents realise—yet it often goes unnoticed until children struggle with
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Kids Contact Lenses FAQ
Many parents think contact lenses are unsafe for children or that kids are too young to handle them. The truth? With proper care, contacts are just as safe as glasses. And for some children, they’re the better option. A
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Should I Buy Kids Glasses Online?
How do you know if the glasses you buy online are safe for your child? With so many retailers offering stylish frames at lower prices, it’s tempting to skip the visit to an optometrist and order from the comfort
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Newborn Eye Infection Treatment: What To Expect
Your baby cries, squints, and wakes up with sticky eyes all the time, but how do you know when it’s more than just something “normal for babies”? Their tear ducts are still developing, and their eyes are exposed to
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Crossed Eyes (Strabismus) vs Lazy Eye: What Parents Should Know
Many parents think lazy eye (amblyopia) and crossed eye (strabismus) are the same. They’re not. Strabismus affects eye alignment, while amblyopia affects vision development. A child can have both, but one doesn’t always cause the other. A study in
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Long Sighted Vision in Children
Why do some children struggle with reading or paying attention in class, even when they seem bright and capable? Could it be their vision holding them back? As an optometrist, I see many cases where long-sightedness (hyperopia) has gone
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Contact Lenses for Astigmatism: Key Facts To Know
Are you tired of struggling to see clearly due to astigmatism? Have you ever wondered if contact lenses could be the solution? People often assume that glasses are the only option for astigmatism correction, but modern contact lenses for
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Children’s Eye Exams in Melbourne
How important are regular children’s eye exams for your child’s development? Did you know that one in five children has an undetected vision problem? Children don’t always know or can’t always express when they have eyesight issues. Furthermore, not
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The Ultimate Guide to Soft Contact Lenses
Have you ever wondered why soft contact lenses are so popular? Do you know how soft contact lenses can enhance your daily life? Some believe that contact lenses are high maintenance, yet modern lenses are easier to take care
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Lazy Eye Treatment in Melbourne
Why do some children develop a so-called “lazy eye” (amblyopia), and what can be done about it? Could something as simple as patching really improve your child’s vision? Amblyopia is often misunderstood as a cosmetic issue, but it significantly
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